Lady of the Bright Red Linen's Orgy

Frederick J. Mayer

lady of the bright red linen orgy

Zhar Tale: Among The Ancient Egyptians

    Cat house, House of Feline,
  Mistress of this mansion, Hathor;
    lenocinant Sekhmet-Min
with rigor mortis erect phallus and flail,
invite all leonine lovers and lemans in
  through supranatural supernatural
           membrane door
           portal cerluean
           putrescent orifice...

   Entrance guardian licentious Bes
      draped in panther fur and skin,
    long and flowing tongue protruding
of this half-lion, half mask of a face being divine,
       offers Basu's akhu within
    the pleasures of a sycamore bed,
just a scent and taste of your pheronomes
           his asking price...

Outside evening Nut's metaphonic blue
  skin and supple heaving rhythm; inside
      A dark adapting eye of Ra
  leads down seething corridor
  to your lustful firmament
of lusterous bone sarcophagus door
  Bastet with red cracked rubian
  cherry eyes awaits upon grainy
  rubbed smooth litter pussy box
consumption waits on mammaceous
hair lined cushions sublimate hideous
   splurge bright goddesses of Sun
         and such at
       night's nobleness
  Nebethelepet hand of ejaculation
of cosmos, Naunet and primordial abyss
  carotid, arteries, jugular miasma
Satis' inundation flames hidden one
gender gentials sweating Amaunet,
  Hathor as called by Greeks -
sexual acts Beset's rumped, thumped
seeping corrupt sumsuous motes of
         and more
  theriomorphic - anthropomorphic
and sinful you wrapped wound in sheets
of funeral drum parched skin beating
  bleating bleeding bearing palgue
  patterns, pestilence of souls blood
soaked linens, bloated  under  garments
  carnal desires now holy absolution,
ignited carnage daisy-chain scorching

   Star Scar Zhar-hem Sahu
Sa Sa Zhar-hem Sahu, Sa Sa Zhar-hem

"I need not know your name,
as I know who I am, hmmm
'make you' human? Make you 'immortal'
                       feral one?"

       felicitous bloody florid fire



         Sa Zhar-hem Sahu, Sa
          Sa Zhar-hem Sahu

     degenerary riparian mortal body
    blow torched, spread, love is molten
      limbs rent hot in susunation
    in his, mankind's degenerary
  stench, pyre, melting candle-fleshy
   surcease in pain seductive
desiccated, drippings droppings
   in defecating riulets fried
dry ashen ashes Homo or lotus petals

       on glutinous


        baked mud

and polished sand to glass, stained
        glass reflections
darkly through of the risen revealed
        in orgy...
   Star Scar Zhar-hem Sahu!

Translation from the infamous Tcho-Korean GUMI-GAN-OK CHAEK by Dr. Koh Rei-am

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