The Abominations of Yoni

Frederick Mayer

Virgin dream in your rawed mind's matter,
grows till it is a brain's flawed jewel,
a still-born wisdom's pearl...
The Dreamer's nightmare.

Seamaid revealed to minds' distilled
In that ceaseless dark dream coming-to-be,
(below erotic gray sea within an open skull
a monster-woman of fin-de-siecle.

The White sea stallion leads from
         aquarian sources
in dolphin delirium depths,
the black mares of midnight
(sensuous seafillies within dolphinish
        soft hides)
who provide rides to the Vale of Oceans,
through exotic seas filled with tears
                 of the veil,
blowholes aflare.

Hot night rider Dako
harasses dream-sleeper in Ophannim's grotto
with thoughts of dry Yondo and her coming
         dark yoni.
Mahadevis aqua virgin whore
was accepted to minds' sea shore,
but to know her showed her to be
Chinnamasta - La Femme sans Tete.

Succubus' deflowering by sleep-swimmer
Lucille of the sea with Demon notions, and
on another side of dream...She drained
         dreamer's frail frame
of vivid fluid for Id of: Lucifer's twin

Dreamer given les tetins de nid aux
and dropped within the 'good sleep,'
while his body foaming in the heat
      is white of waves crescendo.
The Dream-walker is misanthropic lover now.

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